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Q: What colour eyes would baby have if mother had grey blue eyes the father has green eyes?
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What is a fraternal grandmother?

That would be your father's mother. Your mother's mother is your maternal grandmother.

Can a mother give a sex-linked trait to her son and her daughter?

The short answer is yes! The allele responsible for a sex-linked trait is carried on the X chromosome which a mother passes on to both sons and daughters. However, since sons have only that one X chromosome (from the mother - the other is the Y from the father) then even a recessive trait will always show up in the son. It is unlikely to show up in the daughter since the daughter inherits a second X chromosome from the father and since most traits are recessive then the 'normal' allele on the paternal X chromosome will mask the recessive one inherited from the mother. This is why the vast majority of people in the population showing a sex-linked trait are males. However, if the daughter were to inherit the recesisive allele from the father (as well as the mother) then she would be homozygous and the trait would show up....

Can a mother with b plus blood type and a father with b plus blood type have a baby with a blood type?

Yes, it is possible. The geneotype of the mother would be either BB or BO and for the father would be OO. If you cross the father's geneotype and either of the mother's then at least two of the four outcomes will be for B blood type. As for the - and +, positive is dominant over negative. The father could be + - or + + and the mother would be - -. Either combination would result in at least two positives. Therefore, it is possible for the mother to be B-, the father to be O+ and the baby to be B+. I added the link to the website where I got my info from. I want to know if an rh b neg blood type mother and an O positive father can have an A positive baby?

What if a child had a white father and its mother has a black father and white mother child look like?

my guess would be that the child would still appear to be racially mixed, but a lighter shade of the "black and white" skin tone.

In Jacob syndrome did the nondisjunction occur in the mother or father?

Jacob syndrome, 49XYY, has to occur as a result of nondisjunction in the father. The Jacob Syndrome male would have received the X chromosome from his mother, and both Y chromosomes from the father (since the Y chromosomes can not possibly have come from the mother). Jacob Syndrome can be the result of nondisjunction in meiosis.

Related questions

Mother has light green eyes father has hazel what color would their baby have?

This depends on their recessive and dominant genes, and therefore the chances they would have of having a child with a certain colour eyes.

What colour eyes and hair will a baby have if the father has light brown hair and green eyes and the mother has brown hair and grey eyes?

The baby could have a combination of light brown hair and either green or grey eyes, or a mix of the parents' eye and hair colors. Eye and hair color inheritance is complex and cannot be predicted with certainty.

Why cant women be color blind?

Women can be colour blind.AnswerI am a woman who is red--green colorblind. The trait is carried on the X chromosome. Males receive an X chromosome from their mother and a Y from their father. If the X carries the trait of colorblindness, the male will be colorblind. Females need to receive two defective X chromosomes to be colorblind, one from their father and one from their mother. If a women has only one defective X chromosome, she will be a carrier of the trait. My father was red-green colorblind and so was my mother's father, making my mother a carrier of the trait, although she is not colorblind herself. I have two sisters who are not colorblind, as they each received a non-defective X chromosome from my mother. I knew before my son was born that he would be red-green colorblind, as the X chromosome he received from me carried the trait.

Is possible for a yellow haired mother and a green haired father to have a blue haired child?

No, because most people arent born with green or yellow hair! and if they were i would be quite worried. If someones hair is dyed it will not make a difference to the offsprings hair, there original colour will though.

What colour would you get if you mix blue and green?

You would get the color teal or turquoise when you mix blue and green together.

Can a green eye father and brown eye mother make a color eye baby?

No that would create a moose.

What would the genotypes of parents have to be to have a color blind daughter?

The daughter's father would have to have been colour blind, and the mother would need the inheritive gene from her father (the mother doesn't nessecarily need to show it, just have a colourblind father) in order for a female to end up actually colourblind. However, it's extremely rare.

What should mother of the bride wear with green bridesmaid dresses?

I would go for a lilac dress and a green hat to match the bridesmaid dresses. But check that matches the colour theme for the wedding

Who is the father and mother of finance?

That would be the father-in-law and the mother-in-law.

What colour does yellow and green make?

Yellow and green make the color yellowish green or lime green.

Is it blue- green or green-blue?

When naming a tertiary colour the primary colour is named first. Therefore it would be Blue-green. Followed in order by: Green and Yellow-green.

If a brown eyed woman has a green eyed mother what is the brown eyed woman's genotype?

The mother's genotype is rr. The daughter would inherit one recessive allele from her mother because her mother has only recessive alleles. Because the daughter is green eyed, she would inherit a dominant allele from her father. The brown-eyed daughter's genotype would be Rr.