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Q: What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it reflects all the colours of light?
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Why do objects appear different colors?

The color of an object has to do with the waves of (visible) light that it reflects. When light hits an object some is absorbed and some reflects, e.g. white is white because all the colours are reflected back; black is black because none of the colours are reflected, red is red because only red reflects from the object. Plants are green because the chlorophyll reflects the colour green, making them appear green to us.

Why do objects have different colors?

The color of an object has to do with the waves of (visible) light that it reflects. When light hits an object some is absorbed and some reflects, e.g. white is white because all the colours are reflected back; black is black because none of the colours are reflected, red is red because only red reflects from the object. Plants are green because the chlorophyll reflects the colour green, making them appear green to us.

What colour will an object under white light appear to be if it reflects green light and absorbs the other colours?

Green because you only perceive colors of objects by the colors of light they reflect into your eye.

What colour will an object appear to be under white light if it absorbs all the colours of light?

it will be black

What colour would white shoes appear under a yellow disco light?

white shoes appear white because it reflects all 7 colours of white light when fallen on to it.Therefore if only yellow light is fallen on to this object it would give out light rays which are yellow in colour . so shoes would appear yellow.

Why does a color decide to be the color it is?

The colour of the object we see is due to the light which it reflects. the difference in colours are due to the difference in wavelength and frequency of the light wave.

Why can you see the color of objects?

The light bounces off of the object that reflects all other colours and results in the colour that it soaks up. The planet Uranus is blue partly because it reflects reds and yellows.

What color of the spectrum does a black reflect?

Black absorbs all colors of the spectrum and reflects very little light, which is why it appears black to the human eye.

How do you see colour?

When the light reflects on an object into your eye you see the objects colour. When all of the light reflects into your eye you see the colour as white. So if some of the light is absorbed into the object you see it as it being a certain colour. There are cone cells in the eye that detect color (the other type of cells is rod cells, which are better at distinguishing light/darkness and patterns). Different colors of light excite different cone cells and cone cell clusters and these cells transmit signals to your brain, which interprets these signals as color vision.

An object that reflects red light and absorbs other colors?

An object that reflects red light and absorbs GREEN COLOUR.

What colour would a green object look under a red light and why?

A green object would look blaack in a red light because coloured objects absorb all colours except the colour they are, so a green object absorbs 6 colours (red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet) and reflects 1 (green). In this situation, there is no green light to reflect and it can't reflect other colours, so it looks black. :)

What colour will a yellow object look in red light and why?

It will look red. White light is made up of a spectrum of many colours. The primary colours are red, green and blue. An object (in white light) appears yellow because it reflects red and green light but absorbs blue light. In red light, the same object will simply reflect the red light. Since there is no green light, the object will appear red. (A mixture of red and green gives yellow)