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Normally at your Orthadontist they would show you a colour wheel of all the colours you can get, but i would suggest darker colours because if you get lighter sometimes it can make your teeth look like they're rotting.

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Q: What colours do braces come in?
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Do braces come with different colors?

Yes they do. They come in ordinary colours like blue, red etc, they come in metallic colours such as silver etc and they come in clear as well.

Do you have to get colours on braces?

No, you can get clear bands for your braces.

What braces colours look cool?


What are good colours for braces?

red and blue green and blue

Can you still get colors with clarity braces?

No unless you have a private orthadontist then yes . however you do get colours with traintracks.(usally clarity braces are metal coloured)

How often do the colours get changed on braces?

You can get the colored elastics changed each time the orthodontist adjusts them.

How many colours can you get at a time for braces?

It depends on what orthodontist you go to. At the moment I have got two colors.

What color do braces come in?

all kinds

Do braces come in different colors?


Should braces match your shirt tie or neither?

Your braces should blend with your tie colour or some part of the colour of your tie. As for the shirt just watch you don't have too much of a clash of colours going on. A White shirt is always a safe option and goes with any tie and braces combination. If you are wearing another colour of shirt try and blend in the colour with the braces if possible like Blue shirt would go with braces with blue stripe on them. The best rule is don't force too many different colours together try and blend them all if you can.

Were do colors come from?

colours come from sun rays

Can you have a rhinoplasty done with dental braces?

You should be able to. I had general anesthesia during oral surgery while I had braces.