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Q: What combination makes smog?
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What is smog mixture of?

Classic smog is combination of smoke and fog. Modern smog, more properly called photochemical smog, is mixture of nitrogen oxides, PAHs, ozone and reactive hydrocarbons

What makes smog?

nobody but scientists (which I'm not) knows

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What is the combination of smoke and fog?

Smog, is the scientific word, for the combination of smoke and fog.

What is the dirty haze that forms when pollution combines with moisture in the air?

Why, that would be Smog -- a worried derived from the two words, Smoke and Fog, first reportedly used in LA that has plenty of both.

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What type of pollutions is smog?

A combination of SMoke + fOG

What makes up smog and ground level ozone?

vehicles make up smog and ground level ozone. They are pollutants.

What starting with s is a combination of a smoke and a fog?

Smoke and fog together generally form smog.

How does smog affect your Respiratory system?

smog effcts your respiratory system by you coughing kay wateves xD

When a rocket lands on a planet does it hurt the planet?

Yes the rocket does hurt the planet because, the rocket has chemicals in the fuel that are bad for the plant. The chemicals in that fuel makes smog and smog can pollute almost anywhere. Smog is the mixture of smoke, chemicals, and fog.