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Q: What combination of alleles could result from a crossover between BD and bd chromosomes?
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What exchange of genetic material between arms of homologous chromosomes?

When chromosomes cross over. (Chromal Crossover, I believe)

What is the difference between crossover and mutation in genetic algorithm?

mutation means change in genetic structure..where as crossover means interchanging the genetic structure of two or more chromosomes..

What is the difference between Chiasma and Chiasmata?

Chiasmata is the plural of chiasma. They both describe the point of crossover between the maternal and paternal chromosomes.

What determines which allele of each pair goes into a gamete?

The process of allele segregation during gamete formation is determined by the random assortment of chromosomes during meiosis. Homologous pairs of chromosomes separate independently, and each resulting gamete randomly receives one copy of each chromosome. This random assortment leads to the random segregation of alleles, determining which allele of each pair goes into a gamete.

What is the exchange of DNA between homologous chromosomes during pro phase of meiosis?

Crossing over or chromosomal crossover.

What is the exchange of genes between homologous pairs of chromosomes?

homologous chromosomes exchange alleles during crossing over.

What is the relationship between alleles and chromosomes?

All chromosomes consist of genes and non coding material. Animals with chromosomes arranged in the double helix pattern have two almost identical genes on the chromosomes opposite from the other. When those two genes in particular are discussed, they are called alleles. Frequently one is expressed and one is not, or one is dominant and the other is not.

Does cytokinesis provide new genetic combinations?

Yes. Crossing over (or recombination) shuffles sequences between homologous chromosomes. The resulting chromosomes have different combinations of alleles from the original chromosomes.

How can new combinations of alleles be created when genes are linked?

New combinations of alleles can be created when genes are linked through a process called crossing over during meiosis. Crossing over occurs when homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, resulting in the mixing of alleles between the two chromosomes. This process leads to the creation of new combinations of alleles and contributes to genetic variation in the population.

What is the relationships between chromosomes and homologous chromosomes?

Chromosomes refer to structures with DNA and proteins that contain genetic information. The term "homologous chromosomes" is used to specify that the chromosomes contain the same genes, but have the same or different alleles.

What is the relationship between a gene and an allele?

All chromosomes consist of genes and non coding material. Animals with chromosomes arranged in the double helix pattern have two almost identical genes on the chromosomes opposite from the other. When those two genes in particular are discussed, they are called alleles. Frequently one is expressed and one is not, or one is dominant and the other is not.