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How could anyone know that if the "zombie virus" doesn't exist at this moment.

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Related questions

Is the zombie virus true?

No, there is no virus that makes you a zombie. The idea of it is interesting to think about though!

Can A Compound ever be manufactured that will create a potential zombie outbreak?

Not exactly, but there's a virus that can attack the brain and create an effect that is close enough to a zombie. I read that somewhere on the internet, so it must be true. And considering the way things have been going in Washington, I'm sure they must be experiencing a severe outbreak of this virus.

Why hasn't there been a zombie apocalypse?

There are 3 possiblities: 1. It may not ever happen at all. Zombies may not exist. 2. It might not be the time. Maybe in the future, but most likely not soon. 3. It may not have happened yet because no scientist has been able to create a zombie virus. There is a video from Vsauce about zombie bugs, which shows what could be a zombie virus.

Does injecting a dead person with a zombie virus?

yes only if the zombie is dead and a injecting person can be heard by a virus.

What is the perfect formula to make a zombie?

Umbrella Corporation Virus. Or, brain degenetivity so you simply have a mindless zombie, and a drug that activates the primal region that would create a craving for meat. But don't go trying to make a zombie now!

Is there really a zombie virus?


What are the zombie viruses?

T virus

Is Ebola zombie DNA?

No. It is a virus.

What parts of the brain does a zombie virus affect?

None because there is no such thing as "zombie".

What does zombie your computer mean?

when a computer gets a virus it goes slow, doesnt work right just like a zombie.. so when u get a virus ur computer is a zombie medaforicly speaking

How do you make zombie on alchemy?


How do you make zombie in alxemy?

Virus + Human