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Q: What combining form means glue like?
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What means strato of the word stratosphere?

it means layers like when you make a triple chocolate fudge strato cake that's what strato means

What does the medical terminology combining form Post- mean?

After as in postop. It means after operation.Post means after some other event.after (like postpartum meaning after birth)

What does it mean to simplify an algebraic expression?

It means to rewrite the expression so that it is in its simplest form. You can do this by combining like terms. For example: The equation 2x + 3x = 5 can be simplified to 5x = 5 by combining the "x's".

What does sentence combining mean?

It means joining several sentences together to form one sentence. This is often done by using words like "and", "or" and "but."

What does the medical terminology combining form derm- mean?

The prefix derma- most often means skin... Like a dermatologist...derm means skinlike dermatology, Taxidermy, and Pachyderm

What does the medical terminology combining form athero- mean?

Athero- means pasty deposit.ather-, athero- soft, gruel-like, or fatty plaque or deposits.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning anatomical cushion?

Cartilage is an anatomical cushion in synovial joints, like the knee. The combining form for cartilage is chondr-. A bursa is a fluid filled cushion near a joint. The combining form for bursa is burs-.

What does the medical terminology combining form case- mean?

Case- means cheese, believe it or not. For instance, the word caseous may be used to describe a discharge that is cheese-like in appearance.

What is the medical terminology Combining form meaning mouth?

Stoma- is the medical terminology combining form meaning mouth. It can be found in words like stomatitis (inflammation of the mouth) or xerostomia (dry mouth).

What is sangvivorous?

Did you mean "Sanguivorous"? If so:This word is an adjective.It means to feed on blood, like leeches, some insects, and bats.sangui-A combining form meaning "blood" used in the formation of technical terms: sanguiferous.Origin:Combined form of Latin sanguis, sanguin- blood-vorousA combining form meaning "eating, gaining sustenance from" that specified by the initial element: carnivorous.Origin:Latin -vorus: devouring

What does the medical terminology combining form -obe mean?

I believe you're asking about words like microbe or anaerobic where the previous word part micro- or aero- ends with an "o". If that is the case then the letter -b- represents bio- or -bian meaning "life".

Woord root referring to tube like structures that carry blood?

Angio- is the medical terminology combining form that refers to blood vessels. Examples of this combining form include angiography (the process of making a visual record of the blood vessels).