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The time signature comes after treble clef when writing a piece of music.

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Q: What comes after a treble clef in a piece of music?
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Music for violins are written in which clef?

Violin music is written using the treble clef.

Is the sousaphone played in bass clef or treble clef?

Sousaphone music can be transposed in both bass and treble clef

What is the note at the beginning of a piece of music?

It depends on the instrument you're playing. But it's always some kind of clef. It is most often the treble clef. Or are you talking about an upbeat to a piece of music..? either a treble clef, bass clef, time signature or a c with a line through it (4/4 time)

Is the harp treble clef or bass clef?

actually basses can play on three clefs bass clef, tenor clef, and treble clef, its rare for basses to use to treble but it is used when the notes get higher and higher. so they can play both but mostly bass clef

What is the name of the other clef used in piano music?

Bass Clef Treble Clef

What do you draw on a music stave?

treble clef

What is classical guitar music wriiten in?

If you mean what clef, that would be treble clef.

Do all woodwind instruments use the treble clef?

That depends on the instrument. For example, trumpet music is typically written in treble clef, while trombone and tuba music is in bass clef. And, of course, variations on instruments (bass trumpet) can differ from the convention.

If in a piece of music you have an A sharp marked as an A natural for a bar in the treble clef do you play A natural in the bass clef for the rest of that bar as well?

Yes, all As are natural for the rest of the measure no matter the clef.

What comes after a treble clef?

nothing "comes after it". But there is a bass cleff

What clef is most used in guitar?

the guitar plays on the G, or treble, clef. It plays transposed down an octave, though, so it could technically play untransposed on a bass clef. All guitar music is written in the treble clef, though.

What is the clef on a trumpets music?

treble cleffit is a part of music theory.