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Q: What comet has the largest known orbit?
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Why is a comet's orbit considered a cycle?

A comets orbit is considered a cycle because a comet circles back in an elliptical orbit.

Why is a comet orbit considered a cycle?

A comets orbit is considered a cycle because a comet circles back in an elliptical orbit.

What is the path of comet around the sun called?

It is called an orbit. A comet has an eccentric or parabolic orbit.

What comet takes about 76 years to orbit?

Halley's comet.

How long does in take for haileys comet take to orbit the earth?

Halley's Comet orbits the sun, not the earth, roughly every 76 years.

When compared to the orbit of a comet the orbit of jupiter is?

It is more circular. :-]

What is path of a comet around the sun CALLED?

An orbit

Where can the largest comet be found?

The problem with answering this question is that two of the words used are somewhat vague: what do you mean by 'comet' and what do you mean by 'biggest'?Hale-Bopp has the largest known nucleus of any comet that is clearly and unambiguously a comet.However, 2060 Chiron, also known as 95P/Chiron, is larger than Hale-Bopp and exhibits some comet-like behavior (that's why the two names; the first is a minor planet name, the second is a comet name); it's possible that it could become a short-period comet eventually (within a million years or so).Hale-Bopp has a highly eccentric 2500-year orbit; it's currently somewhere outside the orbit of Neptune and headed outward, which will continue to be the case for the next 1200 years or so.Chiron's 50-year orbit is far less eccentric, but still pretty eccentric; it ranges between roughly the orbits of Saturn and Uranus.

Is a single orbit of a comet called a period?

Yes, the time it takes for a comet to complete 1 orbit is called a period.

How many earth years does it take a comet to orbit?

Halley's Comet takes 73.5 years to orbit the sun but every comet is different just like planets.

What is the name of the comet that orbits the sun in your solar system?

Any comet visible from earth is in orbit around the sun. If the orbit is closed (elliptical), the comet will return after some period of time. If the orbit is open (parabolic or hyperbolic), the comet will escape the solar system and never return to the neighborhood.

The amount of time it takes for a comet to complete its orbit?

33 years.