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Well-written well-commented code should be perfectly readable by anyone fluent in the language being used. Poorly-written and undocumented code will be extremely hard to follow.

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Q: What common programming language statement in your opinion is most detrimental to readability?
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How the program statement and code are related?

A statement in your program is part of the code. In a low-level programming language, a statement will map directly to a single CPU instruction. In a high-level programming language, a statement is the smallest element of the language's syntax.

What translates a programming language statement line by line?

A compiler

What is if-statement in c programming language?

One of the statements, obviously.

What is else if in C programming language?

Statements. Typical usage: if (<condition>) <statement>; else <statement>;

What statement about selecting the right programming language for a project is false?

Programming languages require the same amount of time to excute.

What are arguments for and against representing Boolean values as single bits in memory?

for: faster, better readability against: memory isn't used optimally

Is a language translator that converts each statement in a programming language into machine language and executes statements one at a time?

It's called a compiler.

Why you use semicolon to terminate the lines in C programming?

Because that is the defined statement terminator of the language.

Different unconditional statement in C programming language?

The C programming language is generally made up of common conditional statements. Occasionally, unconditional statements such as test that are based on imperative commands.

Is XML a programming language?

It is programming languages that are referred to in terms of "high level" and "low level".Extensible Markup Language(XML) is a markup language not a programming language, it is a data formatting specification that makes the presentation of data independent of programs (so that data can be passed between programs).For this reason the answer to your question is "neither".

What is the abbreviation FOR?

There is no abbrevation for for. There is a FOR loop which is a programming language statement that allows code to be repeated. *.for is a filename extension for FORTRAN, a computer programming language.

What is the readability of c plus plus and java?

Readability has nothing to do with the language beyond a basic understanding of the language. Since Java and C++ have much in common with regards syntax, there's little difference in terms of their underlying readability. However readability is more about the design and "style" employed by the programmer. Well-named identifiers and functions aid the readability, as does the code organisation (modular and consistent) as well as good use of whitespace, indentation and, above all, comments that explain why a statement exists or why it was written in such a way, rather than what it does (the code itself tells you exactly what it does so there's no point in re-iterating the fact).