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Q: What communication skills should a person possess?
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What knowledge and skills does the employee possess?

An employee should have knowledge and skills in the field in which they are working. If the person is working with the public they will need to have speaking skills.

Why do you think you are the best person for this posotion?

well, i possess the requiremnt of a good csr..i can handle or i can going out on my way to customer service. i have good communication skills,

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honesty education intelligence personality appearance confidence experience

What tranferable skills do you need to possess in order to become a doctor?

Perhaps the most important transferable skills you need to possess in order to become a doctor are learning how to interact with patients. Communication skills are key.

What are the communication skills of mentally retarded?

The communication skills depend on the amount of retardation and education that the person receives.

What are the skills that a human service worker have?

A human service worker should possess strong communication skills to interact effectively with clients. They should also have empathy and compassion to understand clients' needs and provide support. Additionally, organizational skills are important for maintaining accurate records and documentation.

What are the Qualities of a good filing clerk?

I think as a good office worker , you must be well trained of your communication skills . Its how will you deal with other people in your working place. Also, you need to have the technical sklls.

What skills do entrepreneurs have?

They should have great marketing and communication skills.

Skills of a mortician?

Morticians possess excellent mortuary science skills, they must also possess excellent communication skills. Morticians spend a lot of time working with the public. They help make advance arrangements, consulting with family members of deceased loved ones.

What are managerial competencies?

There are three essential skills or competencies a manager should possess. They are technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills.

What qualities should one possess on order to become a doctor?

You need to motivated by your work, be empathetic (understand what people are going through, and have good communication skills. You should also have confidence in what you are doing and also have patientience with the patient.

What skills should a consultant possess?

A consultant need to possess the following skills:Strong and effective communication skills are necessary to build a career as a consultant.As a consultant you would daily face some challenges for this you need to think creatively and find solution to come across the problem.Good listening skills are required to effectively listen to the needs of the client.Consultants should be fundamentally good with the people whether it may be the individuals you consult or your staff members.