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The conversion efficiency

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Q: What compares the energy before a conversion with the energy after it has been converted?
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Related questions

What is the energy conversion of a dryer?

Electrical energy is converted into thermal and kinetic energy.

What materials go into energy conversion?

This question is misguided. Energy conversion means one form of energy is converted into another, and energy is not made of materials.

Which principle is used in conversion of atomic energy into electric energy?

The principle of mass conversion to energy. The mass loss (due to nuclear fission or nuclear fusion) is converted to thermal energy. The thermal energy is converted (through turbines) to mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is converted (through electric generators) to electrical energy.

What is the primary energy conversion that occurs when plants produce sugar?

light energy is converted to chemical energy i.e. sunlight is converted to starch during photosynthesis.

What happens to chemical potential energy whenit is consumed?

It's never "consumed". It is converted into other forms of energy ... and at each conversion some is converted into heat. Sooner or later (with each conversion) it all turns into heat energy.

Can an energy conversion be between any types of energy?

More or less - however, any energy conversion is subject to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. A simplified explanation is that there are irreversible processes in nature, and that energy converted to heat can no longer be completely converted to other types of energy.

What is the main energy conversion in a battery when it is charged?

Electrical Enegy is converted to Chemical Potential Energy

What do you mean by energy convertionS?

Energy conversion simply means that one type of energy is converted to another type of energy.

What is the energy conversion of firecracker?

Chemical energy gets converted into heat and light energy. Sound energy is also produced.

What energy conversion is it when domino's fall?

The same as when anything falls. Gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

Whenever one form of energy is converted into mechanical energy some energy is also tranformed into?

Almost invariably, in any energy conversion, some energy gets converted into waste heat.

What type of energy conversion takes place in a doorbell?

Kinetic energy from the finger is converted to electrical energy when the button completes the circuit. Then when the electrical energy reaches the bell it is converted into sound energy.