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Gives to much power to the federal government

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Q: What complaint did many in Congress have with this document?
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How is a complaint for damages instituted in court of law?

The complaint is the original document filed to create a lawsuit. Once the complaint is filed, it is served on the defendant, and the lawsuit has begun.

What term is used for a legal document which proposes a series of reasons?

A legal document that lists a series of reasons is called a complaint. A complaint contains a series of reasons of why the judge should find in your favor.

What is a document used to initiate a legal action called?

A document used to initiate a legal action is called a "complaint" or a "petition," depending on the legal system. It outlines the facts and legal claims of the case and is filed with the court to start the legal process.

What does it mean to lodge a document in court?

Not familiar with that particular term -BUT- to "lodge a complaint" means to "file a complaint."In a similar circumstance I suppose to "lodge a document" could mean to file a document.

Why did congress need a document like a declaration of independence?

congress needed a document to declare why the colonists had to become independent of Britain

Which document states the powers of congress?

The Constitution states the powers of Congress.

Which document is used for initiate a legal action?

The first filing would be the Complaint.

What were the complaint of the stamp act Congress?

the colonists shouldnt have to feel that their freedom was threatened

What congress voted in favor of independence from England and wrote a document?

second continental congress

Is a charging document specifying that an offense has been committed by a person or persons named or described?


Who is Oliver Hudson Kelly?

a document signed by congress

Is this document a c?

Is this document a civil complaint or a lawsuit? A written appearance could also mean that you need to respond to a lawsuit. You should probably show this document to an attorney that can actually read it and review it.