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Q: What component of connective tissue is found between the cells and fibers and functions to support and bind cells in the tissue together?
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Related questions

How are tissues classified?

Connective tissue is found throughout the body and includes fat, cartilage, bone, and blood. The main functions of the different types of connective tissue include providing support, filling in spaces between organs, protecting organs, and aiding in the transport of materials around the body.

What connective tissue occurs in some ligament attachments between vertebrae and larger artery walls?

Elastic Connective

What is the sticky material between cells of areolar connective tissue?

The sticky material between cells of areolar connective tissue is known as "ground substance."

What is the difference between active and passive component?

Active means devices that perform functions in a non linear fashion [amplifiers] passive are components that perform according to a set of linear rules

What tissue forms delicate thin layers between muscles?

Areolar tissue which is a loose connective tissue.

What are the structural and functional differences between dense regular and dense irregular connective tissues?

loose connective tissue lacks the massive fibrous reinforcement that characterizes dense connective tissue. Nevertheless, the same types of fibers are still found, although fewer and more delicate. S.A

What is difference between falsework and formwork?

Falsework and framework functions the same thing. It is temporarily built structure used in construction to support the spanning until the whole component can be self supporting.

What is an adding connective?

A wireless sharing connection between computers.

Which is the function of connective tissue?

Just as the name implies, connective tissue connects other tissues together to hold them in place. It appears throughout the body. An example is the loose web-like tissue that holds the skin to the underlying fat and muscle, such as seen when pulling the skin off a piece of chicken.

What is the difference between Component and Peripheral?

A component is a part of something - usually a necessary part.A peripheral is an adjunct, an accessory, not something required.

Does Dense fibrous connective tissue have space between its components?

not much

Similarities between blood and lymph?

both are vascular connective tissues