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Q: What comprises the actual sea floor beneath sediments?
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Related questions

What are the three types of the ocean floor sediments?

The three types of ocean floor sediments are Terrigenous, Biogenous, and Hydrogenous sediments.

What are the three types of ocean sediments?

The three types of ocean floor sediments are Terrigenous, Biogenous, and Hydrogenous sediments.

What underlies the unconsolidated sediments of the sea floor?

Probably consolidated sediments (sedimentary rock), then the rock basalt.

How are ocean floor sediments classified by physical compositions?


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The Sea Floor

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Which are three types of ocean floor sediments?

terrigeneous, biogeneous, and hydrogeneous

How do moving sediments affects the channel of a stream?

The sediments build up on the floor of the stream, ocean, river, or lake and causes the water to lower.

What is the relationship between the distance from a river delta into the ocean and the size of sediments deposited on the ocean floor?

The further from the delta, the finer the sediments deposited.

How are neritic sediments different form pelagic sediments?

neritic is near shore an covers about 1/4 of the ocean floor and pelagic is deep ocean basin and covers the other 3/4 of the ocean floor

How do lithogenous sediments differ from biogenous sediments?

Lithogenous sediments come from the land They result primarily from erosion by water, wind, and ice Biogenous sediments originate from organisms The particles in these sediments come from shells and hard skeletons. Although lithogenous sediments represent the largest total volume, biogenous sediments cover a greater area of sea floor