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Connecticut Compromise (Great Compromise)- It was agreed that congress should be composed of two houses. In the smaller Senate, the states would be represented equally. In the House, the representation of each state would be based on population. This solved the biggest conflict that absolutely needed to be cleared up.

Three-Fifths Compromise- Many Southerners (mostly slave owners) wanted slaves to count as voters although they would still have no actual rights (Hypocritical, I know) while everyone else disagreed. Then, a compromise was made which counted slaves as 3/5 of a person in regards to voting and counting population. Therefore, 5 slaves equalled 3 people.

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise- Congress was forbidden the power to tax the export goods of any state. Also, It was forbidden to act upon slave trade for a period of at least20 years. It could not interfere with "the migration or importation of such persons as any State now existing shall think proper to admit," except for a small head tax, at least until the year 1808.

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The big states and little states agreed on a bicameral legislature. Many states had to give up some rights in favor of taxes for roads and other necessities.

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Q: What compromises made the US Constitution possible?
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The anti-federalists made many accomplishments. This group made it possible for a liberal interpretation of the Constitution, they established government traditions which allowed for federal fiscal integrity and credit worthiness for the country, and they made it possible for the US Constitution to be amended as needed throughout the history of the country.

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The United States constitution interests in people and the United States.

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July 4,1776

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In NH.

Was The declaration of independence part of the constitution?

No, the US Constitution was made 11 years after.

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The anti-federalists made many accomplishments. This group made it possible for a liberal interpretation of the Constitution, they established government traditions which allowed for federal fiscal integrity and credit worthiness for the country, and they made it possible for the US Constitution to be amended as needed throughout the history of the country.

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September 17th, 1787.

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