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Q: What computer performs complex calculations?
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What is the main chip of computer?

CPU - Central Processing Unit which performs logical calculations

What device performs most of the calculations to enable a computer to function?

The Central Processing Unit (CPU).

What is a computer processing power?

The central processing unit (CPU) is a chip built into a computer that performs basic calculations that allow the computer to run. Processing power is a measurement of how powerful this chip is, i.e. how fast it can do the required calculations.

What is the hardware component that performs calculations and calculations?

the arithmetic logic unit

Is a formula an equation that performs calculations on number values in cells?

a formula is an equation that performs mathematical calculations on number values in cells

What unit performs mathematical calculations and makes logical comparisons?

Most calculators do comparisons and calculations, though it matters what type of computer you have . You can also search the web for a good site that does that.

What performs arithmetic and logic calculations?

There is a special part of the CPU that performs Arithmetic and Logical calculations. Its called Arithmetic Logic Unit ( ALU ).

What CPU unit performs calculations?


What performs actual calculations and is the brains of the computer?

A: In fact a computer has three basic function blocks 1] the I/O 2] the ALU 3] THE CONTROLLER These units makes a computer using machine language

What does the CPU control and what does it not control?

The CPU is the main control of the computer. It controls all of the software, as it performs the calculations and logic functions. It does not control the hardware, however.