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Q: What concept of the government was Hamilton defining?
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What has the author Woodrow Clay Hamilton written?

Woodrow Clay Hamilton is known for his book "Union: A Democratic Non-Political Government" which explores the concept of a democratic non-political system of governance.

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What are defining characteristics of a nation state?

has a government

What type of government did hamilton want?

Alexander Hamilton was regarded as a founding father of the United States. Hamilton and his group supported a Strong Central Government

What was the level of government Hamilton wanted to strengthen?

Hamilton was a Federalist, so he wanted to strengthen the executive branch of the national government

Population territory government and sovereignty are the defining characteristics of?

a State!

Who gave the concept of vectors and scalers?

William Rowan Hamilton, the Irish Genius.

Did Alexander Hamilton like the British?

The British had a Strong National government. Alexander Hamilton want a strong National government. Hamilton and Jefferson were fighting all the time over that. That might be why. Federlists.

What has the author John J Hamilton written?

John J. Hamilton has written: 'Government by commission' -- subject(s): Municipal government by commission

What are items is a defining characteristic of a nation-state?

It has a defined territory

Population territory sovereignty and government are the four defining characteristics of what?


What are the four defining characteristics of the state?

Population, Territory, Sovereignty, and Government.