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Britain was in a war with France that was costing a lot of treasure. They decided to impose taxes on the colonies to help pay for the war and gave the colonies no say in the matter. The colonies resented this and there were rumblings of insurrection. As a result the King sent troops to put down any trouble. The imposing of troops only inflamed the situation, finally resulting in revolt.

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Q: What concerns have the colonists expressed to their British brethren?
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The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.

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They spoke English.

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The colonists were British and when they declared independence they were seen as traitors by the king.

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The British Parliament could have taken several actions to resolve their differences with the colonists and strengthen relations with America. They could have given the colonists representation in Parliament, allowing them a say in the laws that affected them. They could have repealed the various taxation acts that fueled the colonists' grievances. Lastly, they could have engaged in more open and inclusive dialogue with colonial leaders to address their concerns and find common ground.

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To ensure that colonists observed the boycott of British goods

Why did British feel they had to tax colonists?

Because it is like a mother and daughter relationship. The British had control over the colonists for a long time. The British did kinda baby them for a while , then British turned. And the colonists was like what is going on; and the British wanted to control the colonists and the colonists had enough so the wanted to rebel. So to answer the question , because the British felt like they were in control because they kinda took the colonists under there wing.

Who won the fight between the colonists and the British?

the colonists did