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Q: What condition caused by excess or deficient food energy or nutrient intake or by an imbalance of nutrients?
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Any condition caused by excess or deficient food energy or nutrient intake or by an imbalance of nutrients?


What is the deficient nutrient that causes keratomalacia?

Vitamin A

Why insectivorous plants grow on mineral deficient soil?

Insectivorous plants (flycatcher, sundew and slug catcher, to name only three) can grow in nutrient (mineral) deficient soils because they can catch insects and absorb the insect's nutrients.

What does nutrient deficiency mean?

A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.

What kind of nutrient are fruits classified as?

fruits are not nutrients they have nutrients in them

What nutrients are in calcium?

There are no nutrients in calcium. Calcium itself is a nutrient.

What is the definition of nutrient dense food?

Nutrient dense food- is defined as the density of nutrients to kcalories. Nutrient dense foods provide more nutrients relative to kcalories.

How does nutrition effect teenagers emotionally?

Nutritional deficiency caused by bad diet which is lacking important nutrients or providing too much of a nutrient causes emotional imbalance such as moodiness, tiredness, agitation, aggression etc.

Why is water not considered as a nutrient?

Water is not considered a nutrient even though it contains nutrients because it is considered a transporter of nutrients. It transports the nutrients throughout the body.

What food nutrients do the producers in the constructed food nutrient cycle contain?

the answer is the food nutrients si do with producers if the food is constructed of nutrient cycle?

Is uranium an important nutrients?

Uranium is not a nutrient !

What are nutrients found in fat?

the nutrient fat'