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Tension created when sutures are used to close a surgical wound may also be responsible for developing an incisional hernia. Tension is known to influence poor healing conditions because of related swelling and wound separation

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Q: What condition may be responsible for an incisional hernia?
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What is the first symptom a person may have with an incisional hernia?

is pain, with or without a bulge in the abdomen at or near the site of the original surgery. Incisional hernias can increase in size and gradually produce more noticeable symptoms. Incisional hernias may or may not require surgical treatment.

A hernia in the urethral wall is?

A hernia in the urethral wall in females is called urethrocele. This condition requires surgery for treatment. You may have increased frequent urinating or it may be difficult to empty your bladder.

What is involved in hernia repair surgery?

Hernias occur when a weakness in the wall of the abdomen allows an organ, usually the intestines, to bulge out of place. Hernias may result from a genetic predisposition toward this weakness. They can also be the result of weakening the muscle.

What is a hernia and how can you get one?

A hernia is the protrusion of an organ or the fascia of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. They can occur in the abdomen, diaphragm, anus, vertebrae, and even inside the head.

Is a Hernia a critical illness?

A hernia normally doesn't cause any problems. But there are certain situations that may require surgery to remove or correct the hernia.

Hernias and breeding pugs?

A female pug with a hernia SHOULD NOT BE BRED even if repaired. A male dog with a hernia may be bred. You can have the hernia repaired surgically.

How long will you be at the hospital for hernia surgery?

Although there are many different kinds of hernias and a few different types of procedures, as well as variations between surgeons skills, most hernia surgeries take about 45 minutes, excluding pre-operative preparation (often referred to as "pre-op" or "prep") times, complications during surgery (very rare), and post-operative (or "post-op") recovery times.

If you are straining to read fine print you may have a condition called?

The condition responsible for one straining to read fine print is presbyopia.

Is it safe to fly with a hernia?

That would depend on the severity of the hernia. Many people have hernias that do not effect them by much. The actual flying should not effect you in any way, just be sure not to strain yourself.

What causes a knot at the top of your stomach?

A knot in the stomach may be a feeling of tightness or pain. See a doctor to make sure this is not a hernia or any other condition needing attention.

What is an occult hernia?

An occult hernia is a hernia that is not visible from the outside due to its location inside the body. It may not present with the typical bulging or protrusion that is often seen in other types of hernias, making it harder to diagnose. Occult hernias may still cause symptoms such as pain or discomfort, and may require medical intervention.

Is surgery the best way to cure a hernia?

Surgery is the recommended course of action for hernias. To control the hernia a binding device may be used. This binding would hold the hernia in while doing exercises and would prevent the hernia from getting larger.