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Almost 80 percent of all people in this country will suffer from some type of Back pain at some point. Usually, this pain is in the lower back or lumbar region of the spine. Most of the time the pain is considered to be non-specific, which means that the primary cause is not determined. In as many as 10 percent of these people who have lower back pain the pain becomes chronic. This means that it is present and affects their lives for at least three months.

The two most common causes of chronic lower back pain are herniated discs and degenerative discs.

Herniated Discs

The discs in the spine are small and spongy and their purpose is to provide cushioning between the vertebrae. If the disc becomes damaged, it can bulge out from between the vertebrae or even break apart. This is a herniated disc. They are usually caused by the simple act of aging or every day wear and tear on the disc. They dry out and, therefore, are not as flexible.

Spinal injuries can also cause a herniated disc. If the hard layer on the outside of the disc cracks, the gel-like substance on the inside can come out. This can result in the disc breaking open, breaking into pieces, or bulging.

Degenerative Discs

This condition is a term that is applied to the changes that happen to discs in the spine as people age. The discs allow the spine to bend, twist, and be flexible, but since they are soft they do often degenerate over time and lose some of their natural fluid, crack, and tear. This degeneration can turn into osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, and herniated discs.

Other Causes of Low Back Pain

There are a number of other things that can cause lower back pain. After herniated discs and degenerative disc disease one of the most common is injuries caused by overuse. This can cause pain and stiffness, but usually feels better after a few days when the back has rested.

Other causes include: spinal stenosis that occurs when the space around the spinal cord narrows; fractures in the vertebrae that often are caused by osteoporosis; and spondylolisthesis, which is caused by a vertebrae moving too much and pressing on nerves.

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10y ago

There are many things that can cause lower back pain. Overuse of muscle and ligaments, herniated discs, and even wearing the wrong shoes!

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