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At room temperature, both silver and copper are better electrical conductors than gold.

At low temperatures (i.e. close to absolute zero), it's a very different story - many of the metallic elements, all the metalloids and many of the non-metals on the Periodic Table become superconductors and therefore have zero resistance. In all, 54 elements display superconductivity, although some require high pressure and low temperature.

Strangely, Gold, silver and copper do not become superconductors under any conditions that have been attempted to date.

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Q: What conducts electricity better than gold?
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What coin conducts the best electricity penny nickel dime or quarter?

They are all mostly copper so they should conduct close to the same.

Which form of Carbon is a good conductor of electricity and heat?

Graphite is the type of carbon that conducts electricity but poorly than metal

Which is the metal that is best conductor of heat and electricity?

Silver is the best metal which is the conductor of electricity and heat. Silver is the best electricity conducting element, but not the best heat conductor. Carbon(Diamond) and Helium(Helium II state) are even better conductors of heat.

Does gold conduct electricity well how well?

Yes, gold does conduct electricity. As a metal, it conducts it quite well. The electrical conductivity of a material is expressed in units of siemens per metre (S·m-1). The electrical conductivity of gold is 45.2 × 106 S·m-1 which is not as good as silver (63 × 106 S·m-1) or copper (59.6 × 106 S·m-1), but better than aluminum (37.8 × 106 S·m-1). All of these are orders of magnitude better than poor conductors like water, for example gold is about 10 million times better than sea water (4.8 S·m-1).Although gold is a better conductor than aluminum by about 20%, it is over 7 times as dense, so an aluminum wire is going to conduct almost 6 times better than the same weight of gold wire.The real advantage of gold is that it resists corrosion and so does not become coated in poor conducting corrosion products, like copper tends to. That is why gold has seen so much use in electrical contacts.

Is Bronze a good conductor of electricity?

Bronze and steel are both names for alloys. These alloys can consist of a great many different elements and exhibit vary varying properties but in general for most of the bronze and steel alloys, bronze is a better conductor of heat than steel.

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What conducts electricity better than metals?


What metal conducts electricity and heat?

all of them, some better than others. Copper, silver, gold, iron, all can conduct both heat and electricity.

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What property of gold and copper makes them useful in computer parts?

Gold conducts electricity well and also copper but it's cheaper than gold.

Does copper conduct electricity better than stainless steel?

Yes. At normal temperatures copper conducts electricity better than almost any other metal; silver is slightly better.

At room temperature what element conducts electricity better than any other?

Silver (Ag).

Is gold or copper the first best conductor of electricity?

Copper is a better conductor of electricity than gold.

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Iron conducts electricity better than steel. Steel is considered a very poor conductor compared to most metals since it has a very low electron mobility.

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No cloth is not a conductor of electricity .It is an insulainsulator

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Cobalt, being a good metal, conducts both heat and electricity better than non-metals.

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because sweat is water and water conducts electricity better than your skin would