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Q: What conducts water to the leaves?
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What conducts water to leaves?


How are stems adapted transporting food and water?

Stems have xylem tissue that conducts water from the soil to the leaves. they also have phloem tissue that conducts dissolved food from the leaves to the rest of the plant body

Which part of a plant conducts water and mineral salts on the leaves?


How are stems adapted for transporting food and water?

Stems have xylem tissue that conducts water from the soil to the leaves. they also have phloem tissue that conducts dissolved food from the leaves to the rest of the plant body

What conducts water and nutrients from the root to the leaves?

The vascular tissue called the xylem.

Which tissue system conducts water and nutrients in a plant?

Xylem conducts water Phloem conducts water and disolved food products

What type of tissue connects all parts of a plant allowing for nutrients and water to flow through the plant?

That is the vascular tissue. Xylem conducts water and minerals up from the roots to the leaves of the plant and phloem conducts the sugars made in the plant to where they are needed.

What are the components of a vascular system in plants?

The vascular system in plants is composed of two main tissues.Xylem. This vascular tissue conducts water from the roots to the leaves.Phloem. This vascular tissue conducts the sugars manufactured in photosynthesis from the leaves to wherever in the plant the sugars are needed.

What are the importance of sapwood?

it conducts water from the roots underground to the leaves in the branches. Not only does it conduct water throughout the tree, but it is also responsible for storing water and rationing out the stored water during dry spells

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Are the vascular tissue that conducts water and nutrients in a plant is phloem?

Yes...........Phloem is the tissue that transports sugar from leaves to all parts of the plant by the process called Translocation.

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