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red, blue, green

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Q: What cones are involoved seeing the color white?
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Determine which cones are involved in seeing the color white?

Red, Blue, and Green. -FastFox51

Why are you seeing colors at all?

Because your eyes have cones that detect color. Rods detect black and white.

What are the cells of the retina that detect color?

cones for color,rod are for black and white

Is color detected in the retina or brain?

The cones in your retina (specialized nerve cells) detect different colours. This information is sent to your brain which interprets the information, allowing you to perceive certain colours.

Rods are less light sensative and more color sensitive than are cones?

Rods are more light-sensitive and less color-sensitive than are cones.

Why does red and green light make white light?

Usually a blue light has to be added to trick our eyes into seeing white. We have three types of cones in our eyes, each optimally triggers on a color, with reduced sensitivity for other wavelengths / colors. Our eye/brains "fabricate" a color from the three signals, and "white" is the result of this construction.

While cones are important for color vision what are more sensitive than cones?

Rods are more sensitive to detecting black and white, and to a limited degree, some blue as things start to get dark. However, cones are what give you color vision.

Why is it important for eyes to have both rods and cones?

The retina has two kinds of photoreceptors: rods and cones. The rods help you see black-and-white movies, while the cones help you see in color. If you had neither one or lost both you wouldn't be able to see in black-and-white, color, or you would be blind.

Why is it important for human eyes to have both rods and cones?

The retina has two kinds of photoreceptors: rods and cones. The rods help you see black-and-white movies, while the cones help you see in color. If you had neither one or lost both you wouldn't be able to see in black-and-white, color, or you would be blind.

If stars are blues and reds how come they look white?

The human eye has two different types of cell: cones for seeing color, and rods of seeing in low light. Since most stars do not provide us much light, we mostly see them with the rod cells in our eyes, which cannot detect color. It is possible to see the color of some stars, such as the red giant Betelgeuse.

What is color vision?

That part of the vision that is perceived by the cones of the eye. Rods detect black and white.

The cells in the retina are called what?

Rods, which perceive black and white and gray, and cones, which perceive color.