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Q: What conflict was there when Ferdinand Magellan was going around the world?
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Which sailor led the first expedition to sail all the way around the world?

Magellan's crew sails around the world

What was going on in the time of Ferdinand Magellan?

The Renaissance

Did Ferdinand Magellan accomplish what he was going to do?


Where was Ferdinand Magellan going before he died?


Where was Magellan in 1521?

1519-1522 Ferdinand Magellan was trying to reach the Indies going west. He was killed in the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines. His crew were the first one's to sail around the world.

First person to circumnavigate the world?

Ferdinand Magellan's slave, Enrique. Enrique was brought to Europe from the Philippines and became Magellan's slave. he went on the voyage around the world with them, and when Magellan died in the Philippines after going around South America, Enrique jumped ship and swam to an island in the Philippines, roughly the same place he lived before he was a slave. However, people think that Magellan was the first, even though he died before they made it, because he led the voyage.

Where did Ferdinand Magellan want to go as an explorer?

he wanted you travel to the spice island by going West instead of East

Why did Ferdinand Magellan voyage?

Queen Isabella of Spain was dear cousins and very close with Ferdinand Magellen. She was very trustworthy of him and thought that if any one could find new lands that it would be him. Magellan set off on his explorations in hope to find new lands but died in a war in the Phillipines for there land

What was accomplished by Ferdinand Magellan?

His ships were the first to circumvent the world. I say his ships because he died in the Philippines and his crew kept going. It took them 2 more years to reach home port.

First explorer to circle the globe?

christopher Columbus Not even hardly. Chris never set boat on the Pacific Ocean. He made four trips across the Atlantic. He originally thought he was going to Asia but bumped into the Bahamas instead.

Did Magellan succeed his goal to start from Spain and end up back in Spain?

No,but his men did Magellan died in the Philippines on the way back, after going around the bottom of South America and naming the passage to the Pacific Ocean the "Straits of Magellan".Magellan did not finish his voyage of circumnavigation. He was killed by natives in the Philippines on April 27 1521.

Ferdinand Magellan changed what about the history?

He proved that a ship could navigate the globe and that it was much larger than thought. Maps had to change,