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Q: What conflicts have arose because of differing worldviews?
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Why did the First Nations fight against the European explorers?

The First Nations fought against European explorers for various reasons, including the loss of their land, resources, and sovereignty. They resisted colonization and the imposition of European cultural values and practices on their communities. The clashes also arose from misunderstandings and conflicts over trade, territory, and differing worldviews.

How do you use arose in a sentence?

I held by breath because a nasty stench arose from the garbage can. When Christ arose from the grave, He had conquered the eternal death.

Did conflicts arise between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm?

Yes, conflicts arose between the US government and the Plains Indians because the Indians wanted to live on reservation land and farm. In 1851, in the First Fort Laramie Treaty, the American government guaranteed the Plains Indians that they would be left alone in their reservations, but this treaty was not honored.

In Greek mythologly who is the principle of love and order it arose from night and darkness?

Aphrodite this is wrong because Aphrodite arose from the foam of the sea, not darkness

What problem arose because of The Slaughterhouse Cases?

Businesses had rights but no responsibilities.

What is arose?

Arose means to get up.Amy arose from her bed after waking up.

What problem arose because georga did not allow slavery?

the problem was that the slaves were free

Ill feelings arose between the states because of claims to the what?

Northwest territory

Knighthood arose because feudal society was filled with?

B: warfare and danger

What problem arose because Jamestown colonists looking for as soon as they arrived?

they ran out of food

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What is arose in tagalog?

The word "arose" in Tagalog can be translated as "nagmulat" or "nagising."