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Thomas Becket was the Archbishop of Canterbury. His connection was that he was the Archbishop in Canterbury Cathedral.

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Q: What connection does Canterbury cathedral have to thomas becket?
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In what cathedral did Thomas becket die?

Canterbury cathedral was the location of the martyrdom of St Thomas Becket.

How is Canterbury Cathedral related to the story of Thomas à Becket?

Becket lived near Canterbury Cathedral.

What is the name of the cathedral that thomas becket died in?

Canterbury Cathedral, in Canterbury, Kent.

Which cathedral is is thomas becket killed in?

he was murdered in Canterbury cathedral

Where did they kill Thomas Becket?

Canterbury cathedral

Where did Thomas Becket get murdered?

Canterbury Cathedral.

Where was Thomas a Becket buried?

Thomas Becket was buried in the cathedral at Canterbury. The cathedral became a major destination for pilgrims because he was buried there.

Where did the murder of becket take place?

The murder of Thomas Becket took place at Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury, England. It occurred on December 29, 1170.

Who is the martyr who has a shrine in Canterbury cathedral?

Thomas Becket. A martyr and canonised in 1173, and his shrine in Canterbury Cathedral

What Cathedral was Thomas Becket buried in?

Canterbury (Kent, England)

Is Thomas Becket in the Canterbury Tales?

No, Thomas Becket is not a character in Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales." The Canterbury Tales is a collection of stories told by pilgrims on their way to visit the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. Becket was the Archbishop of Canterbury who was murdered in 1170.

Who was the archbishop of Canterbury that got murdered in the cathedral?

thomas becket died in 1170