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Hernan Cortes conquered most of Mexico by conquering the Aztec empire. In 1521, the Aztec Empire was officially defeated and Cortes was named governor of Mexico.

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Q: What conquistador conquered Mexico and in what year?
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Who is the spanish conquistador who conquered Mexico?

Hernán Cortés

What was the name of the leader in Mexico who arrivedin 1519?

He was a Spanish conquistador, who conquered Mexico. His name was Hernan Cortes.

Who conquered Mexico in the 16th cenutry?

Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes (1485 - 1547) is considered the conqueror of Mexico.

The Aztecs were conquered by?

The Aztecs were conquered by the Spaniards led by the conquistador Hernando Cortes in the year 1521.

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a spanish conquistador who defeated Aztecs and conquered Mexico

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It was one of the reasons Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes conquered Mexico in 1521.

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Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes (1485 - 1547) qualifies as such.

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The Spanish explorer and conquistador responsible for the downfall of the Aztec Empire was Hernando Cortes.

What European nation would have found Mexico?

The Spanish Empire qualifies as such. Mexico was discovered, conquered and eventually settled by Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes.

What year did they find Mexico?

Mexico was discovered by Spanish conquistador Hernan cortes in 1519.

Who was the leader in the Spanish invasion on Mexico?

Hernan Cortes (1485 - 1547) is the Spanish conquistador that conquered Mexico in 1521 and annexed it as an overseas territory of the Spanish Crown.

Who was the spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec tribe?

That conquistador was Hernan Cortes.