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All of them.

Well, that's not entirely accurate. At the Equator, EVERY constellation seems to rise in the East and set in the west. At the mid-latitudes, there are some constellations that are "circum-polar"; they never actually rise, and never actually set. In most of the United States, for example, the constellations of Ursa Major and Cassiopeia never rise; they become visible in the sky when the Sun sets, and they disappear into the lightening sky when the Sun rises.

In the Arctic or Antarctic regions, MOST stars and constellations are circum-polar.

But all the constellations that rise, rise in the East. And if they set at all, they set in the west.

And I need ANOTHER correction - because none of the stars move enough in a lifetime for them to change their positions in the sky. It's the Earth itself that does the spinning, and the rising and setting that we THINK we see is an effect of us living on a globe that's spinning like a carousel.

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Q: What constellation rises in the east and sets in the west?
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the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. by leanne marriott x