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Well Hercules is between the constellations Lyra and Bootes.

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Q: What constellations are closest to the constellation Hercules?
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What four constellations are the closest to the constellation Hercules?

Nearby constellations to Hercules are Lyra, Draco, Bootes, Corona Borealis, and Serpens.

What kind of constellation is Hercules?

Hercules is a constellation named after Hercules, the Roman mythological hero adapted from the Greek hero Heracles. Hercules was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolem, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. It is the fifth largest of the modern constellations.

Who discovered the constellation Hercules?

What we see as constellations is actually a 2-dimensional projection of the different stars in the galaxy. In ancient times, people saw patterns in the sky and so we got constellations. The constellation of Hercules was listed by Ptolemy but it is unknown who first named the constellation.

What is the color and surface temperature of Hercules the constellation?

Constellations don't have a color, or a surface temperature. Constellations are basically a range of directions in the sky.

What is the name of the largest constellation?

The largest of all of the constellations is Hydra. It was named after a sea serpent that was found by Hercules.

What constellation border aquila?

the constellations that border Aquila are Hercules, Delphinus, and Scutum. There are many more.

What is the closest constellation to the Dorado constellation?

I don't know which is actually "closest", but all of these constellations border Dorado: Caelum Horologium Reticulum Hydrus Mensa Volans Pictor

What are the constellations near Draco?

Some different constellations are Bo̦tes Hercules Lyra Cygnus Cepheus Ursa Minor Camelopardalis Ursa Major and are close to the Draco constellation.

What is a name for stars that form a pattern?


What is the distance from earth to the constellation of Hercules?

Hercules and all the other constellations are made up of dozens of stars, all of which are different distances from Earth. They only appear in the same plane from our "galactic neighborhood".

What constellation borders Draco the dragon?

The constellation Draco the dragon borders several constellations including Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, Cepheus, Hercules, Lyra, and Bootes.

What is constellation near Aquila?

Aquila has nine neighboring constellations: Aquarius, Capricornus, Delphinus, Hercules, Ophiuchus, Sagitta, Sagittarius, Scutum, and Serpens Cauda.