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Both cilia and flagella use the 9+2 arrangement to generate movement.

The centrioles gives rise to the microtubules, then it remains below the finished array as a basal body. centriole has 9+0 arrangement starting from basal body

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Q: What contain the 9 2 arrangement of microtubules 1. cilia 2. centrioles 3. flagella 4. a and c only 5. a b and c?
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Which of the following contain the 9 plus 2 arrangement of microtubules?

Cilia and Flagella

What are cilia and flagella made up of?

They are composed of microtubules in a "9 + 2" array, similar to centrioles but with two additional microtubules in the center.

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What function of basal cell?

A basal body (also called a basal granule or kinetosome) is an organelle formed from a centriole, and a short cylindrical array of microtubules. These microtubules provide structure and facilitate movement of vesicles and organelles within many eukaryotic cells. Basal bodies,however, are specifically the bases for cilia and flagella that extend out of the cell..

Do eukaryotic cells contain flagella?

They have flagella with 9+2 structure.Bacterial flagella differs from it

What is a microtubule in a cell?

These are produced by centrioles that are located near the nucleus and they help cells divide. These produce the microtubules which make up the cytoskeleton (the thing which gives the cell support and prevents organelles from flying around).

Is centrioles in plant cells?

NO plants do not have centrioles, but have a spindle closely identical to the Animals

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Are centrioles present in plant and animal cells?

Plants do have centrosomes, but they do not contain centrioles in them.

True or false only animal cell has centrioles?

True. Only animal cells contain centrioles housed in centrosome.

What cells contain flagella?

They are found in cilia. Cilias are found in eukaryotic cells.