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Q: What contains collections of enzymes that perform specialized tasks and is not studded with ribosomes?
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It contains collections of enzymes that perform specialized tasks, including the synthesis of membrane lipids and the detoxification of drugs

What Contains Enzymes That Break Down Vesicles?

lysosomes or ribosomes..

What inside of a mitochondria?

Centre of mitochondria is called stroma.It contains ribosomes,enzymes,organic molecules,plasmids.

A cell orgennelle that contains digestive enzymes and that buds from the Golgi apparatus?

These organelles are called ribosomes.

Which cell organelle controls the synthesis of enzymes?

You did not include a diagram. However, enzymes are proteins and DNA (genes) in chromosomes control this function.

Does the nucleus contain all the enzymes of the cell?

No, the cell nucleus contains DNA, and while enzymes are used to assist in the replication and transcription process, the vast majority of the cell enzymes are located outside in the cytoplasm.However, the nucleus's DNA contains the code for all the enzymes that the cell will ever create, but this is only code, the actual enzymes are produced with ribosomes in the cytoplasm (through translation)

What produces many enzymes used in cellular respiration?

Ribosomes produce enzymes .

What organelle contains enzymes produced by ribosomes and packaged by the Golgi apparatus?

LysosomesLysosomes are suicide bag or recycling plant of the cell. They remove wared organelles and cells

Which oganelle contains ribosomes?

Ribosomes themselves are cell organelles. They function as protein synthesis factories of the cell. ribosomes makes proteins by translating the message coded in the mRNA by amino acids, tRNA and enzymes.

Which cell organelle is responsible for storing enzymes?

the ribosomes are

Do mature sperm have ribosomes?

Sperm Cells contain enzymes so that they can digest through the cell membrane of an egg cell. I would pressume that they also have ribosomes because enzymes are proteins and ribosomes make proteins. But I am not sure.

Do ribosomes use enzymes?

No, transcription does not include the use of the ribosomes. This organelle is only used during translation, but not transcription. Transcription is when the mRNA is being made, which is inside of the nucleus, not ribosome.