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Q: What contains frequently used commands and allows users to add or delete commands to suit their needs?
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What is a roll over state?

There are commands in database two delete data. Delete command delete the data from the table. DROP commands delete the whole table structure along with its data. To restore the deleted data we can use roll back command.There are two commands that we can use to delete the table or content of table. If we deleted wrong data by mistake , then we can restore it by using rollback command.

Commands to delete operating system?

Format drive C

What menu is a list of frequently used commands that relate to the right-clicked object?

It varies depending on what the object is, as well as what OS you are running. But some of the commands are: Copy, Paste, delete, Properties, send to, create shortcut, etc.

What is it called when access allows a delete but then deletes all related records?

Cascade the delete

What are dnl commands used for?

dnl stands for delete to new line. The dnl commands basically instruct compiler to ignore anything on a line following the dnl.

Unlock files in directory using dos commands?

Dos commands are used to create or delete directories. The ATTRIB Command is used for locking and unlocking of files.

How do you delete a line in unix?

It depends entirely on which editor you are using; the commands are different in the different editors.

Which two commands can you use to delete directories?

AFAIK there's only one command to delete a directory. "rmdir" Removes the directory. If you only want to delete the content of the directory you can use "del <dir name>"

How do you delete commands on the kymera wand?

you cant, but you can put a new command to that action, erasing the previous command.

When you delete a folder do you delete all the files it contains?

Yes because if you deleted the folder what would hold the files?

How do you erase of file from your hard drive?

Deleting a file differs between Operating Systems. One can use the delete key on the keyboard. In GUI-based Operating Systems one can use the delete menu item, delete button, delete icon. One can also drag-and-drop or move files to the delete or trash folder. Text-based commands also exist that also delete files. Text-based commands can be added to scripts or batch files. There are also utilities that securely deletes files by overwriting them several times before deletion.

What is bootex in your pen drive and what if i delete it?

Its a file that tell you when windows has cleaned up, or fixed something. It tells you EXACTLY what commands it has performed. It is fine to delete it. (Mostly used on USB Drives)