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Q: What contains liquid wastes in a cell?
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What organelle contains liquid wastes in a cell?


What is the liquid waste product containing nitrogenous wastes?

Urine contains nitrogenous wastes.

What is normally found in the vacuole of a cell?

vacuoles are filled with water cell sap which contains food,cell secretions,and wastes

What is the liquid portion of a cell?

The liquid part of the cell that contains all the organelles is called the cytoplasm.

Organelle that contains digestive enzymes and digests wastes in a cell is?

Probably lysosomes, leading to phagocytosis and the formation of vesicles.

What in the plant cell contains cell sap?

cell sap is mainly referred to the liquid found in the plant cell vacuole it contains water , salt, glucose, amino acid ,

Liquid portion of a cell is called?

A wet cell A cell that contains a solid electrolyte is a dry cell.

System removing solid and liquid wastes?

The excretory system removes liquid wastes.

What is the function of the vacoul in the plant cell?

It contains food and liquid (water or sap)

Difference between dry cell and wet cell?

a dry cell is a cell that has electrolyte that is a paste a wet cell is a cell that has a liquid electrolyte -sads

What fluid is found inside a plant cell's permanent vacuole?


What do plant cells tend to be?

Plant cells contain 6 main parts: # chloroplast- contains chlorophyll which helps photosynthesis and makes plants look green # nucleus- this controls the cell and contains DNA # cytoplasm- it is a fluid that fills the cell and stores salts, gases, wastes # Vacuole- stores food, wastes and water # cell membrane- is a skin around the cell that protects and allows chemicals in and out # cell wall- is a tough layer outside cell membrane which protects and supports the cell