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Q: What contraceptive methods on its own is least likely to prevent pregnancy?
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Can you be pregnant if your period is light and late if you have the contraceptive implant?

Pregnancy on the contraceptive implant is not likely. Lighter bleeding is normal on the contraceptive implant, as is changes in timing. You should not expect a regular, monthly episode of bleeding on the implant.

Why is a young women who has been drinking at a greater risk for a pregnancy?

Obviously because she is more likely to give in to the pressure of having sex and less likely to use a contraceptive (becuase her level of consciousness is reduced).

Which drug can prevent pregnancy without putting weight?

Consult your doctor, most contraceptive medication can cause weight gain, however just because one does, doesn't mean the next will. Your doctor will most likely have you try different medicines till you find one that works best for you.

Can bitter drinks prevent pregnancy?

No, but condoms and other forms of medically approved contraception can do the trick. Using bitter drinks to prevent pregnancy will most likely just leave a bitter taste in your mouth, especially when you discover that the "liquid contraceptive" hasn't done the trick.If you are trying to conceive, the best thing to do is to make healthy choices. Cutting back on caffeine, smoking, alcohol, etc, can improve your and your partners fertility. However, I am well into my first pregnancy, and have never been advised to avoid bitter drinks.

Can you get pregnant if he came on the outside of your vagina and you wash it with soap?

While it is less likely to get pregnant if ejaculation occurs outside the vagina, there is still a small chance of pregnancy due to the possibility of sperm making its way into the vagina. Washing with soap afterward does not guarantee the elimination of all sperm, so it is important to use contraceptive methods, such as condoms or birth control, to reduce the risk of pregnancy.

What happens if you are pregnant and have the implant in?

There is a very very low risk and there has only been a few cases where women with the implant have became pregnant . Implanon is concidered highly effective, less than 1 out of 100 woman using Implanon will get pregnant each year. Using a condom along with the implant make the risk of pregnancy even less and reduces the spread of STDs. Implants and injections are very effective methods of contraception and are proven to be 99% percent reliable in preventing pregnancy. yes................... This is one of the safest method of contraception. But no method is 100 % effective. Very rarely, this method fails and you can get the pregnancy. You are advised to go for pregnancy test at the home only. Say every two weeks, when you do not have the menses.

What are the active ingredients in the combined oral contraceptive pill and their mechanisms of action?

The active ingredients of the combined oral contraceptive pill are estrogen and progesterone. These pills are taken to prevent ovulation to prevent unwanted pregnancies. There is synergism between estrogen and progesterone where estrogen leads to progesterone receptors being upregulated so that they are more sensitive to progesterone. The combined oral contraceptive pill is highly effective. Its effect on preventing ovulation is the greatest. In addition to these effect, it can prevent unwanted pregnancies by thickening the cervical mucus, reducing the transport of the egg and the sperm in the Fallopian tubes, and changing the endometrium so that implantation is less likely to occur.

Can you only get pregnant on your period?

Ovulation occurs between periods. That is when pregnancy is most likely to occur, but you can get pregnant during menstruation. A gal can get pregnant: # before her period # during her period # after her period # PERIOD. It's that simple ... plain facts of life and supported by most of the medical community. The "Pill" only helps to prevent pregnancy - it is not the cure. Total abstaining from sex or having a hysterectomy operation are the ONLY two 100% guaranteed methods of preventing pregnancy ... PERIOD.

How can one prevent catabolism?

Catabolism can be prevented through having a proper diet, consistent exercise and resting. By combining these three methods, catabolism will likely not occur.

If your IUD falls out how likely are you to become pregnant?

If your IUD falls out and you're not using any other method to prevent pregnancy, you are quite likely to get pregnant. Out of 100 couples in that situation, 85 will get pregnant within 12 months.

Likeliness of pregnancy straight after chemical pregnancy?

Very likely.

Does pregnancy affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test?

It is possible, but not likely.