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Q: What contraindications would require medical referal?
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embolism, fevel, lice, and contagious disease would all be absolute contraindications, while strains, sprains, broken bones, and open wounds would be local contraindications.

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Medical DoctorBiologistChemist

Are there any contraindications in using both homeopathy as well as drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist?

Never , But You can use one at a time that's good I am unaware of any contraindications to homeopathy, but it has not been proven effective. There are drugs a psychiatrist can prescribe that would have contraindications.

How can I tell that I can't get pregnant?

That would require a pretty in-depth medical evaluation.

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It all depends on what is wrong to require such a drastic bit of work to be done. I mean what medical problem can a patient have that would require a circumcision?

How you can select the good quality hockey stick?

well i would get referal from players or call your local pro shop

What medical field professions require eight years of college?

Doctors. That would be four years of Pre-Med and then about four years of medical school.

What constitutes a medical emergency that would require a medical assistant to get the attention of a physician or licensed nurse?

Respiratory distress is considered a serious medical issue in triage requiring urgent medical assistance from a Physician and Nurse.

Which would be the least harmful antiepileptic drug for use with a chronic alcoholic?

That would require a medical opinion. You should discuss it with a neurologist.

Can you punish students with workout such as push ups and workouts in Canadian religious schools?

NO! that is absoulutly inopropriate you would have to be insane, a simple hallway referal would suffice.

Why would a women choose to formula feed her baby?

Medical causes Or Baby may require specialized formula

Does a wrist fracture require medical attention?

In my opinion a wrist fracture would definetely require medical attention. There are so many bones in your wrist that it will need a doctor to look at to make sure that you don't need surgery.