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Q: What contributions did Emperor Wu make to the growth of bureaucracy and the growth of the Han empire?
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An advocate for limited government would most likely oppose the modern American bureaucracy for which reason?

the growth of bureaucracy has expanded the role of the government in citizens lives

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British empire growth and development caused the industrial revolution.

Federal bureaucracy has undergone tremendous growth in the last 70 years or so?

. This growth can be attributed to various factors, including the increasing complexity of government functions and the expansion of government responsibilities in areas such as regulation, social welfare, and national security. Additionally, the bureaucracy has expanded in response to societal demands for greater government intervention and services.

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Abbas reduced taxes on farmers and herders and encouraged the growth of industry. While earlier Safavids had imposed their faith on the empire, Abbas tolerated non-Muslims and valued their own economic contributions.

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An interest group can check the power of a bureaucracy from the beureaucracy's main support desk. Whoever is employed at the front is able to look up a system of alphanumeric values that can tell the bureaucracy's growth over time.

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What was the effect of the growth of the Ottoman Empire?

After the growth of the Ottoman Empire, the state had already reached its pinnacle. This led to the stagnation and decline of the Ottoman Empire, which lasted hundreds of years.

Was the Greek empire concerned about Rome's growth?

There never was a Greek empire.

What was the major effect of the growth of the ottoman empire?

After the growth of the Ottoman Empire, the state had already reached its pinnacle. This led to the stagnation and decline of the Ottoman Empire, which lasted hundreds of years.

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what can you learn about the growth of the greek empire from the primary source above

What was the basis for the development of Christianity?

If you mean "Christianity as an organized religion", it owes it growth and prominence to the present day mostly to the Roman Emperor Constantine, who on his accession in 324 AD made Christianity the Roman Empire's state religion.

What were the major events growth of the ottoman empire?

After the growth of the Ottoman Empire, the state had already reached its pinnacle. This led to the stagnation and decline of the Ottoman Empire, which lasted hundreds of years.