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Q: What contries were involved in the Suez canal Crisis?
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When did the Suez Canal crisis begin?

The Suez Canal opened in November 1869. The date is unknown.

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Who was involved in the Suez canal war?

The israelites and the egyptians were involved in the war

What is the Suez crisis and what caused it to occur?

The British and French challenging of Egyptian President Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal

How did President Dwight Einsenhower respond to the Suez Canal crisis after Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez canal?

Einsenhower refused to support his western allies attempts to take the canal.

How did President Nasser created an international crisis in 1956?

He nationalized the Suez Canal

What was the Soviet Union's main motivation for providing the military support to Egypt during the Suez Canal crisis?

Answer this question… What was the Soviet Union's main motivation for providing military support to Egypt during the Suez Canal crisis?

Who became a leader in the Arab World because of the Suez Canal Crisis?

Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt became a leader in the Arab world as a result of the Suez Crisis.

How did Suez crisis raise cold war tensions?

Gamal Abdel Nassser nationalized the Suez Canal and Eisenhower did not help Western allies when they seized control of the canal

What Canal connects to Mediterranean sea and the Red sea?

The Suez Canal.

How did the Suez Canal cause conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews?

The Suez Canal Crisis has nothing to do with the Palestinian Arabs. It was a conflict between Egyptian National Interests and those of Israel, France, and the United Kingdom concerning control of the Suez Canal.

What was the Suez war about?

The Suez Crisis took place when the nation of Egypt decided to nationalize the Suez Canal. Israel and Great Britain attacked Egypt because of it.