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All naturalistic performances have scenes that flow smoothly so that it is easy to follow what's happening in the performance/show. Also that when you are a character in a naturalistic performance, you have to stay that character. You can't use character transformation to change into someone or something else. One thing that you can definitely not use is gibberish because in naturalistic drama, you have to speak normally. Another thing that you definitely can't use is exaggerated movement. This is because is naturalistic drama, you have to move the same as you normally would. You don't use slow motion in naturalistic drama because it doesn't come natural to people.


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Q: What conventions make a naturalistic performance?
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The conventions

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Non-naturalistic conventions are the unnatural norms used in the theater performing arts. Some of these are: use of projection to convey a message. use of placards and signs, use of voice overs and actors speaking stage directions aloud.

What is naturalistic drama?

good question! Naturalistic drama is drama which replicates real life and shows the realistic version of it. Stanislavski developed naturalistic acting, as he wanted his actors to become emotionally and psychologically involved with their roles, in order to create a convincing, realistic performance. When preparing for some naturalistic dramas, actors often spend lengthy periods of time trying to 'live' the role they are playing, in order to create a convincing performance on stage.

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it is where everything happens in realy time, for example there is no '6 months in the future' or anything :) bit vague but :)

When was the first HNS convention?

The first HNS convention was in 1984. But there are regulary other conventions. On the first convention it was planned to make other conventions every year.

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Is an example of people?

naturalistic observation. =)