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Q: What correctly describes the amplitude of the resulting wave if the crest of two water waves overlap?
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When two waves overlap and interfere destructively what does he resulting wave have?

"lower amplitude"

When two waves overlap and interfere constructively what does the resulting have?

"higher amplitude"

When the crest of one wave overlaps the crests of another wave what is it called?

When the crest of one wave overlaps the trough of another, this produces destructive interference. If both original waves are equal in amplitude, then nothing will remain. The waves completely cancel out. However, if one waver is larger in amplitude, then there will still be a wave left over after they meet, but it will be smaller. The amplitude of the new wave will be the larger wave amplitude minus the smaller wave amplitude one. The opposite can also occur. If the crests of two waves overlap, then it produces constructive interference (resulting in one larger wave).

What is it called when two waves overlap?

When the crest of one wave overlaps the trough of another, this produces destructive interference. If both original waves are equal in amplitude, then nothing will remain. The waves completely cancel out. However, if one waver is larger in amplitude, then there will still be a wave left over after they meet, but it will be smaller. The amplitude of the new wave will be the larger wave amplitude minus the smaller wave amplitude one. The opposite can also occur. If the crests of two waves overlap, then it produces constructive interference (resulting in one larger wave).

What is it called when the crest of two waves overlap and result in an increased wave amplitude?

Superimposing of waves is when two or more waves travel through the same medium and intersect. The net displacement is the addition of the waves amplitude. If they are in phase they increase amplitude; out of phase, the amplitude decreases.

When two waves overlap and interfere constructively what does the resulting wave have?

the amplitudes add together

What occurs when crest overlap crest and troughs overlap troughs?

constructive wave interference, where the crests and troughs 'add' so are increased in amplitude.

What occurs when two or more waves overlap and combine?

They superpose. Energy of the waves are redistributed to form a resultant wave with amplitude given by the summation of individual wave's amplitude. If the two waves are of same frequency, speed and amplitude and travelling in opposite direction den stationary waves are form.

What is the term that describes the vertical overlap of the maxillary incisors over the mandibular incisors?


What is the zone of overlap?

The zone of overlap is the point where actin myofilaments overlay the myosin myofilaments as it (actin) gets pulled towards the m-line (mid-point of sarcomere). The zone of overlap increases during muscle contraction, resulting in the shortening of the muscle.

What is the term that describes the trend of computers and devices with technology that overlap?

convergence computers and devices.

How can crosstalk be avoided?

When adjacent signals overlap each other in the frequency domain resulting in interference of the signals, that is called CrossTalk.