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convergence computers and devices.

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Q: What is the term that describes the trend of computers and devices with technology that overlap?
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The trend of computers and devices with technologies that overlap is known as?


What is the similarities of the 5 generation computers?

The Five Generations of Computers were all not exact and some overlap in technologies exist. And all of the 5 generations of computers are sometimes useful in providing a general perspective of some of the advancements in computing technology.


No, information science and information technology are not the same. Information science focuses on the study of information and how it is organized, accessed, and managed, while information technology involves the use of computers and telecommunications to store, retrieve, and transmit information. Both fields are related and often overlap in areas such as data management and analysis.

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Are computers better than tv?

Computers are different to television so the two cannot be compared. In recent years, the function of televisions and computers are becoming closer. Televisions can access data for information display and computers are able to show some television broadcasts. As technology progresses, there is likely to be more overlap until the two products will become merged. However, for the foreseeable future, televisions and computers will have different applications.

Generics is most similar to?

The Five Generations of Computers were all not exact and some overlap in technologies exist.

What is overlap angel of a thyristor?

Overlap angle of a rectifier (μ): The commutation process in a practical rectifier is not instantaneous. During the period of commutation, both the incoming and the outgoing devices conduct current simultaneously. This period, expressed in radians, is called the overlap angle "μ" of a rectifier. It is easily verified that α + μ + γ = π radian.α= Firing angelμ=Overlap angelγ =extiction angel

Can regions overlap?

No, regions are separate and cannot overlap.

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I ama sitting overlap

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overlap repulsion in physics is repulsion overlapped