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Abnormal findings could also be due to inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. A condition called diverticulosis, where many small fingerlike pouches protrude from the colon wall

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Q: What could an abnormal colonoscopy mean besides cancer?
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What is an uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells?

This could be a basic description of cancer.

Is pap normal with ovarian cancer?

A pap smear will not detect ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer won't affect whether a pap smear is normal or abnormal -- it could be either one.

What Chances of 65 year old men dying from colonoscopy cancer?

Acolonoscopy is a test for cancer of the bowel, so I think you mean could a person die of bowel or colon cancer, and the answer would be yes, if caught too late, but with the results of today's medicine the chances are also very good or surviving this particular kind of cancer

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The only way to know for sure if the prolops are cancerus they have to take tests. You really should talk to your urologist about your fears.

How does a biopsy diagnose colon cancer?

The diagnosis of colon cancer is actually made by the performance of a biopsy of any abnormal lesion in the colon. When a tumor growth is identified, it could be either a benign polyp (or lesion) or a cancer; the biopsy resolves the issue.

Your spleen was lacerated during colonoscopy?

you could eventually die.

Can you get pregnant if you have an abnormal pap?

You can get pregnant with an "abnormal" pap.It would possibly be in your best interrest to have a follow up test first and possibly removal of the few cells that causes the test to be "abnormal".The Pap smear test detects changes in the cervix, which may become cancer. However, having an abnormal Pap smear test result does not necessarily mean you have or will get cervical cancer. This is especially true for women who follow their doctor's recommendations for when to have the Pap smear test.A thin layer of tissue, composed of cells, covers the cervix. As cervical cells develop, the cells on the bottom layer move to the surface of the cervix. Sometimes, during cellular development, cervical cells may become damaged or abnormal. When this occurs, these cells develop in an abnormal way and sometimes require removal to prevent cervical cancer from developing.

What is abnormal or altered tissue?

Abnormal or altered tissue could cause medical issues in an animal or person. An example of abnormal or altered tissue could be a tumor.

If you have a brown spot under your arm and it has a funny shape could it be skin cancer?

Anything abnormal on the skin could be cancer but the question is if it''s dangerous or not? Usually if something on the skin is bigger than a pencil eraser and rough you should deffinetly get it cheacked out. But there really is no way to know unless you go to a doctor.

Is a girl's menarche supposed to be abnormal?

It can be when you first start and your period could be abnormal for you entire period life its nothing to worry about I am 15 and have had it for 1 yr and it is still abnormal so yours could become normal or stay abnormal.

What could be alternative causes of occasional blood in the bowel movements after tests including a colonoscopy have found nothing abnormal?

All that simply is, is a reoccuring hemmrhoid flare up. The hemmrhoid is probably internal so you don't ever feel it but I had the same thing. I had a colonoscopy done and that's what they told me. As long as your tests came back ok, try to manage it with a high fiber diet and more liquids in your diet. You'll see it disappear.

Do you have Cancer you have a lump on your neck that keeps growing?

Yes. Cancer is normally a growth of cells that can be either benign or malignant. As these cells generally have abnormal groths and can be found in the skin, cancer can in fact be found anywhere on the body.