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Q: What could be done to improve how candidates communicate with voters?
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No. It could have hurt future black candidates if Obama was not re-elected, but his success at begin nominated and elected (twice) will make it easier for future black candidates regardless of what happens in his two terms. That being said, if he fails to fulfill his plans to help the US recover, it could make voters even less likely to put their trust in such promises in the future.

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With the initiative, voters could petition state legislatures to consider a bill.

What is a Democratic rule that allowed voters to petition state legislatures to consider a bill.?

With the initiative, voters could petition state legislatures to consider a bill.

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I could vote for whomever I choose to among the candidates, or write in my choice.

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Before voters could only approve canidates that were already handpicked by the communist party--Now voters could choose from a list of canidates for each office (Voters chose lesser-known canidates over the powerful party bossees)

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There's no exact opposite for electorate, but the electorate is a body politic of registered voters, so at a stretch you could use 'non-voters' as an antonym.