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Q: What could be learned after cyclone Tracy?
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Related questions

Was Cyclone Tracy a tropical cyclone?

Yes, Cyclone Tracy was a tropical cyclone.

Was Cyclone Tracy a typical cyclone?

No. Cyclone Tracy was an a very intense but abnormally small cyclone.

What cyclone hit before Cyclone Tracy?

Cyclone Selma came before Cyclone Tracy.

What are facts Cyclone tracy?

- Its a feminine cyclone because its name is TRACY. - Tracy was a girl i knew

What was the location of Cyclone Tracy?

Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

Where did Cyclone Tracy start?

Cyclone Tracy started as a tropical storm out in the Arafura Sea.

Could cyclone Tracy been prevented?

No, it is an act of nature. Man has no control.

What are facts about Cyclone Tracy?

cyclone Tracy was very serious and was in 1974. it hit on Christmas eve.

What is the likelihood of cyclone Tracy recurring?

Cyclone Tracy itself will never recur. Cyclones cannot regenerate decades after they have dissipated. There is, however, a very high chance that a cyclone of Tracy's magnitude could form in the Arafura Sea and hit Darwin once more. There is far less chance that it would cause the damage that Tracy did, as Darwin was rebuilt to a stronger standard, with its buildings more cyclone-proof.

Why was cyclone Tracy so dangerous?

cyclone Tracy was very dangerous because the winds were very strong

How long did it take for cyclone Tracy to get to Darwin?

It took cyclone tracy 10000000 years to make it to darwin

How did Cyclone Tracy rotate?

Cyclone Tracy rotated in a clockwise direction, as do all cyclones in the southern hemisphere.