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Q: What could be the Ship to ship interaction in close proximity in a shallow water area?
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What kind of examples you could use for proximity?

Examples of proximity could include how close two objects are to each other in physical space, such as the distance between two buildings or the placement of furniture in a room. In a social context, proximity could refer to how closely individuals are situated to each other, like at a crowded event or in a team meeting. Additionally, in a digital sense, proximity could relate to how near a user is to a particular location or point of interest using GPS technology.

Could you get sick from eating something that was in close proximity to mouse feces?

you could there still is germs that spread

What is proximity to the equator?

Proximity to the equator is the distance you are from the equator. You could have a close proximity to the equator, which means you are close to the equator, or a far proximity from the equator, which means you are futher away from the equator. Hope this helps, just confirm i'm right, don't take my word because I searched about proximity to the equator and found a paragraph about it, this is my interpretation anyway.

What is homonym for the word close?

in the strictest sense of the word; close as in proximity or close as in shutting something. In a looser sense you could use clothes as a homophone.

Is it correct English to say close vicinity?

It is OK to use close vicinity but the phrase is a little redundant and there are better ways to express proximity to. Use, "near, next to, adjacent to, in the vicinity of", etc. Set up your phrase like this: In the vicinity of the shopping mall, close to the entrance. I will meet you there. Better sentence structure and proper that way.

How is Canada connected with America?

Trade due to the extremely close proximity. If you want to go deep history I could talk about the early colonization and the war of 1812

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your betta will do just fine in close proximity to the turtle

How could a person be found guilty of possession of a gun?

Note: First answer removed as incorrect. ADDED: By either carrying it on their person or being in close enough proximity to it so that it is easily accessible to them.

How do you make your sim cry in Sim 3?

Sim + Tombstone + Mourn Interaction = Crying Sim or you could break a Sim's heart by terminating a romantic relationship, killing a Sim close to the Sim close to the crier.

What noises can a person hear at camp?

Some noises that you could hear at camp would be first off your campfire, possibly the leaves of the trees that are around the campsite, and any animals that could be within a close proximity of your camp site.

What type of food could you shallow fry?

you can shallow fry all types of foods like bread for croutons you can shallow fry potatoes to made them crispy there is a lot of foods the can shallow

If small logs in your garden are being shredded into small slivers by something and there is a shallow stream very close to it where water rats were seen some time ago could it be them?

Yes, it could be water rats if they are still around.