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Possibly Reynaud's syndrome, particularly if there are color changes in your fingers.

Or frostbite, or maybe you are getting too cold.

or maybe that thing i say on csi that had something to do with cyan(color) in your fingernails.

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Q: What could be the problem if you are feeling cold with numbness in your hands?
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It could be poor circulation, or even early signs of carpal tunnel syndrome.

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I doubt it would help the situation much at all. It is very likely from the sounds of what is described that the hands are suffering from the effects of carpel tunnel syndrome, this is a condition where pressure is put on the nerves leading into the hands causing a feeling of numbness and leading to severe pain. this can be corrected with surgery and if you are in Australia is done at no cost to the patient. It is a day surgery procedure. The sooner you see a doctor about it the sooner you will have it fixed,

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ive been having the same problem. i was told i mite not have enough SALT in my body. go and get a blood test .

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i think it is if u are already feeling sweaty/sumtimes it could be because ur nervous.

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There are many reasons as to why your hands are shaking. It could be a medical problem. You could be nervous. You should see a doctor, because the Holy Spirit is probably Not the reason your hands are shaking.

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Numbness in hands could be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome or excessive use of alcohol. Other reasons include a vitamin deficiency and a range of major diseases, such as syphilis or diabetes.

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If you have numbness in you hands or feet, it might be from peripheral neuropathy. A possible treatment that may help, would be going to see a chiropractor.