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You could start with 100% energy for the first layer, 10% for the second layer, 1% for the third and 0.1% for the fourth layer. If the biome is very poor in producers, you could start with 50%, 5%, 0.5% there would be only 0.05% for a fourth layer and it would not support anything.

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Q: What could be used instead of the number of organisms to make your pyramids the right shape?
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What are three things that an ecological pyramid shows that food webs and food chains do not show?

Pyramids of numbers The population of each organism in a food chain can be shown in a chart called a pryramid of numbers. the more organisms there are, the longer each bad would be. the producer in a food chain always goes at the bottom of the pyramid or numbers. Pyramids of numbers show: * That energy is lost to the surroundings as the pyramid goes from one level to the next, so there are fewer organisms at each level in the food chain. *Sometimes the pyramid of numbers doesnt look like a pyramid at all. This could happen if the producer was a large plant such as a tree, or if one of the animals was very small. *pyramids of numbers put the actual amount of organisms into context too, instead of a long line of producers and consumers, or a very confusing web, joined together in some way Hope this helps

What was the purpose of the Queen's pyramids?

Egyptian pyramids were basically large elaborate tombs/memorials. Pharaohs commissioned the pyramids to be built so they could be buried inside.

Who found the bosnian pyramids?

The pyramids could be seen for many many years and unnoticed of their shape but it was Semir Osmanagic who claimed to have said those are real pyramids.

What was inside the pyramids?

there were tombs inside the pyramids for the pharohs. they also had all of their riches and such so that they could be comfortable in the afterlife.

Why were ventilation shafts built in the pyramids?

I imagine so that people that needed to work inside the pyramids could breathe

Why did the egyotians build the pyramids?

Pyramids were tombs fo Pharos. They were built so that the Pharo's spirit could move on to the afterlife.

Could the pyramids have been tried to be used when the poles shift?


Why did they bury people in pyramids?

So they could be worshipped forever

What could the Spanish have done instead of enslaving Africans and taking land from the Natives?

They could have exported a number of civilian workers.

Why were pyramids built for the pharaohs?

monuments of their grandour and a house for their afterlife. they look nice. you could have just searched for pyramids and found more for yourself