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One way to distinguish between an organism in the domain Bacteria and one in the domain Eukarya is by looking at their cell structure. Bacteria have prokaryotic cells without a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles, while Eukarya have eukaryotic cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Additionally, the presence of peptidoglycan in the cell wall is a characteristic feature of bacteria, which is absent in eukaryotic organisms.

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Q: What could be used to distinguish between an organism in the domain bacteria and one in the domain eukarya?
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Bacteria, and Eukarya are two of the three domains of life. Bacteria are prokaryotes and have a cell wall where as Eukarya are eukaryotes, and do not have a cell wall. Eukayra have membranous organelles. The Bacteria domain is distinguished by being composed of prokaryotic cells. The Eukarya domain is distinguished by being composed of eukaryotic cells.

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Archaea and bacteria are both prokaryotic and have a cell wall. Eukarya is the largest and is thought to have evolved from prokaryotic. All three organisms are the building blocks of life.

What is one major difference between domain eukarya and domains bacteria and archaea?

Archaea and bacteria are both prokaryotic and have a cell wall. Eukarya is the largest and is thought to have evolved from prokaryotic. All three organisms are the building blocks of life.

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The three domains in the classification of life?

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What are the 3 biological domains?

Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Archaea are some of the oldest single celled organisms on the planet due to their capability to survive in extreme conditions. Bacteria, also called eubacteria or true bacteria, are composed of prokaryotic cells, but their cell walls have different structures, components in them. Eukarya are composed of eukaryotic cells and contain most the multicellular organisms in our world such as animals, plants, protists, and fungi. Hope this helps.