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It could perhaps be an allergic reaction, specifically to food. You could try cutting things out of your diet one at a time, such as dairy, soy, wheat and other common food allergens. If you've already gone to a doctor, that is. If not, scheduling an appointment with your doctor or finding a free clinic would be a good step as well.

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Q: What could be wrong if you get severe headaches in the lower right part of your head several times a day and there is swelling during the headache?
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Is it normal to have a headache when your allergies are bothering you?

Headaches can happen anytime during whole day or night. So it can happen during allergies too.

Can headaches give you blurry eyes?

Yes they can.Blurred vision is a symptom of migraine. Migraine is not exactly a headache, but severe pain in the head is what happens during a migraine attack. The suffer may also see haziness or distortions during the early phases of migraine.But people can get blurred vision during true headaches as well, such as a cluster headache or a headache from tension and tiredness.

Headache after sunset?

I thought I was the only one! I get headaches during a sunset and it lingers after sunsets. I have not figured out a remedy except headache medication or I just stay in and avoid traffic around that time. Good luck though :)

How frequent are episodic cluster headaches?

However, episodic cluster headaches occur during oneto five-month periods followed by six to 24-month attack-free, or remission, periods. There is no such reprieve for chronic cluster headache sufferers.

What is a headache called if you only suffer from it once or twice a month in a certain season but it isn't allergies?

Cluster Headaches: They are called cluster headaches because the attacks come in groups. The pain arrives with little, if any, warning, and it has been described as the most severe and intense of any headache type. It generally lasts from 30 to 45 minutes, although it might persist for several hours before it disappears. Unfortunately, it can reoccur later in the day. Most sufferers experience one to four headaches a day during a cluster period. Cluster headaches frequently surface during the morning or late at night; the cluster cycle can last weeks or months and then can disappear for months or years. Clusters often occur during spring or autumn and, thus, are often incorrectly associated with allergies. Approximately 10 percent of the sufferers, however, experience chronic cluster headaches that occur all year long. It is estimated that less than one percent of the population are victims of cluster headaches, and they encounter the headache somewhere between the ages of 20 and 45. More men (about five to one) than women suffer from cluster headaches.

What is the medical term for everyday headaches?

No. It is not normal to have a migraine every day. It is important, however, to be sure that you are correct in your self-diagnosis. Migraine is a very specific type of headache. It is possible to have daily migraines. Your doctor can help you determine if you do, indeed, have chronic daily migraine headaches. If you do, there are medications that can decrease the number of attacks you have, and other medications that can be fairly effective at stopping the migraines you continue to have with treatment. Two more common cause of daily headaches are (1) withdrawal and (2) rebound headaches. Withdrawal headaches can occur whenever your body is hungering for any number of drugs or substances. Going too long without your daily dose of caffeine or nicotine can trigger a headache as your body tries to tell you that it is time to dose up. These must be addressed by slowly decreasing your intake of that substance, a process sometimes known as "detoxification" or "detox". Rebound headaches are similar, but happen in response to withdrawal from an anti-headache medicine. These classically occur during withdrawal from narcotics, but are actually more common as a result of withdrawal from ibuprofen, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and other over-the-counter headache medications.

I'm having headaches and nausea at night and during the day I'm having weird intestinal pains what's causing this?

It is common for some types of headache to present at night or while sleeping. Migraine often comes with nausea and intestinal upset. In the case of a severe or new type of headache, or changed headache, it is prudent to see a qualified physician, especially a Headache Specialist.

How can you get rid of headaches during pregnancy?

Sometimes you can.. keep in mind if your doctor says to cut back on caffeine ... it could be because of that . Or it could possibly be just the pregnancy itself, if your headache persists I would ask your doctor

What causes cluster headache?

Alcohol, tobacco, histamine, or stress can trigger cluster headaches. Decreased blood oxygen levels (hypoxemia) can also act as a trigger, particularly during the night when an individual is sleeping.

Why do you have a headache during the landing of the plane?

Due to pressure, you can get a headache

Why do people pinch the bridge of their nose?

To relieve or adjust pressure on the sinuses. Sinus pressure can cause headaches. Relieving that pressure can cause a 'sinus headache" to lessen in intensity. It stops blood flow to a headache as well - stops the throbbing pain. So it can be used to relieve a headache that way as well. People also pinch the bridge of their nose to stop the flow of blood during a nosebleed.

What are cluster migraines?

"A cluster headache is one of the most painful types of headache. It's also distinctive in ways other than the severity of the pain. A striking feature of cluster headache is that the attacks occur in cyclical patterns, or clusters - which gives the condition its name." Cluster headaches come on suddenly and escalate quickly, it also ends just as quickly. The pain is one-sided, and involves the eye. They are generally over within 30 minutes, although they can be as short as 15 minutes or stretch to three excruciating hours. They often occur during the same of day, and most attacks happen from 9pm to 9am. There are studies which link cluster headaches to the disruption of circadian rhythms. This is why many cluster sufferers have their attack cycle during the changing of the seasons. Attack cycles generally last from two to twelve weeks. Other signs and symptoms that may accompany cluster headache include: * Stuffy or runny nasal passage in the nostril on the affected side of your face * Flushing on the affected side of your face * Sweaty, pale skin (pallor) * Swelling around the eye on the affected side of your face * Reduced pupil size * Drooping eyelid Only some of the medications that work on migraine assist with cluster headache. For more information about headache, Comprehensive information about the different types of headaches, migraine, tension, cluster, menstrual, and spinal headaches; and their causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment you can visit this might help: